Cornelia Sultan-Khan
Category : Exposition 2021
Instagram: Corneliask_art
Email: asultankhan@gmail.com
Mobil: 0049 1742176000
I started to be interested in painting with Acrylic in September 1999 through the United Nations Women’s Guild (UNWG) in Geneva, Switzerland. I studied with Patrica Halmoné for 2 years. After several years of “social painting” I continued my studies with Alain Gégout at the atelier “La Rocaille”, Bretigny in September 2007 until end 2016.
Aquarelle workshop July 2018 – Atelier “La Rocaille”
Oct. 2009 – Dec. 2015 member of the MAPG Mouvement Artistique du Pays de Gex, Ferney.
Past exhibitions:
Bolero, Versoix (groupe exhibition)
2004 – 2018
United Nations Women’s Guild UNWG, Palais des Nations, Geneva
Oct. 2016
ILO Group exhibition, Geneva
Sept 2013 – 15
Parvis d’Artistes
May 2011
Château de Tannay – Commission Culturelle
April 2011-15
MAPG, Château de Voltaire, Ferney
March 2011
Salon de Printemps, MAPG, Galerie des Jargilières, Ferney
October 2010
Group exhibition, ILO, Geneva
October 2010
Salon d’Automne, MAPG, Galerie des Jargilières, Ferney
Oct. + May 2010
Group exhibition MAPG, Chateau de Voltaire, Ferney
April 2010
Galérie des Jargilières – Mouvement Artistique de Pays de Gex
Commune du Grand-Saconnex
Medical Centre, ICC Geneva
“La Nyance”, Geneva