Webinar recording: Your health insurance during COVID-19 – 6 July 2021
Category : Message68
The Staff Health Insurance Fund (SHIF) team share an update on SHIF services, coverage and medical expenses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Category : Message68
The Staff Health Insurance Fund (SHIF) team share an update on SHIF services, coverage and medical expenses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
ILO Former Officials Section
Staff Union
International Labour Office
Bureau 5-67
4, route des Morillons
CH 1211 Genève 22
Telephone : (+41) 22 799 64 23
E-Mail: anciens(@)ilo.org
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ILO Staff Union
International Labour Office
4, route des Morillons
CH 1211 Genève 22
E-Mail : syndicat(@)ilo.org
Website : http://www.ilostaffunion.org
International Labour Organization
4, route des Morillons
CH 1211 Genève 22
Telephone : + 41 22 799 6111
E-Mail: ilo(@)ilo.org
Website : http://www.ilo.org
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