As in previous years, the seminar on preparing for retirement organized by the ILO from 4 to 7 October 2016 allowed the Bureau of the Section of Former Officials to make contact with future retirees. This seminar brought together some 150 persons of whom about sixty from the ILO: certain officials were participating for the second or third time given the complexity and evolutionary nature of the themes treated: rights under the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund and new computer applications, taxes, internal and external social protection in the ILO, residence permits, taxation, etc.
On the opening day of the Seminar, Tuesday 4 October, some members of the Bureau were present (Lyz Sommaro, Bert Essenberg and François Kientzler) to greet future retirees of the ILO and have a direct and personal contact with each of them. Interviews and discussions, often very personalized, took place which allowed for answering certain personal questions. A copy of the Message was distributed to each as well as an application form. These meetings serve to make the Bureau and the Section of Former Officials visible in person.
At the morning’s end, a session was reserved for the Section of Former Officials. François Kientzler, Executive Secretary, Ivan Elsmark, Assistant Executive Secretary in charge of the Message for many years, and Lyz Sommaro, responsible for SHIF questions presented the activities of the Section and its area of intervention. They also recalled its mode of operation, the publication of Message and all the links uniting it with other retirees’ associations and the ILO union in particular. A copy of the presentation is available on the Section’s web site ( which also contains the report of activities of the Section and other matters of interest and is likewise published in the next issue of Message. The Bureau wishes to thank Daniela Menes, the Staff Welfare Officer, for her words of support for the Section and for encouraging future retirees to join it, as well as for the regular invitation to participate in this Seminar. The Bureau welcomes the good contacts it maintains with her.
See Seminar documents under “Retirement Info”