Council of the Federation of Associations of Former International Civil Servants (FAFICS) (FFAO, Rome, 20-25 July 2018)
Category : Archives
As is the case every year during the summer period, representatives of the International Civil Servants Associations, many spread around the world, and members of FAFICS, met in Rome. The Section of Former ILO Officials does not participate but is represented by AAFI-AFICS Geneva. François Kientzler, Executive Secretary and Abdoulaye Diallo, Deputy Executive Secretary, are members of the AAFI-AFICS Board and represent the Section. We cannot be nominees for the AAFI-AFICS delegation to the FAFICS Council as only elected members (natural persons) can be selected. We could participate as observers but this choice has not been made in recent years given the past dysfunctions of FAFICS.
However, we would like to bring to your attention information which we have learned through AAFI-AFICS on the results of issues which are of regular concern to the Section. With regard to the Pension Fund, AAFI-AFICS delegates were aware of an OIOS (Office of Internal Oversight) audit on the governance of the Fund. Some of the recommendations proposed go against the interests of FAFICS and call into question its ability to represent all the pensioners of the Common System. Representatives of FAFICS currently participate in the work of the Pension Board (although they do not have a vote). A recommendation by OIOS proposes the direct election of retiree representatives and thus dismisses the representatives of FAFICS; such a proposal is not acceptable to FAFICS which would thereby be stripped of one of its essential missions. Another proposal concerns the representation of the various International Organizations that are members of the Pension Board Committee: that this representation should be reviewed in favour of the United Nations, which would then have an absolute majority in the Pension Committee, and smaller Organizations no longer have a representative. (See article on the meeting of the Rome Pension Committee following the meeting of FAFICS).
The respective presentations by the Deputy CEO (Acting CEO) in the absence of the CEO for a year and by the Representative of the UN Secretary-General (RSG) for the investments of the assets of the Pension Fund were appreciated by the delegates because they provided, respectively, positive information regarding the management of the Fund and investments. The result of the most recent actuarial study shows a healthy fund, despite the noticeable effect of retirees’ increasing longevity.
The issues concerning retirees’ health protection remain focused on a transfer to national regimes of the country of residence, a proposal discussed within the “Standing Committee on After Health Insurance and Long Term Care”, known as ASHI. But for the representatives of the insured in this Committee such a decision by the organs of the UN General Assembly would leave many pensioners without coverage, because many countries do not have national health insurance systems.
Delegates to the FAFICS Council also discussed the Federation’s internal rules of operation. Proposals have been submitted; but delegates called for wider consultation among all members, particularly with regard to the number of Vice-Presidents and the rules for the examination of nominations. Notably Marco Breschi, retiree from the FAO Rome, was elected President of FAFICS and Pierre Sayour, retired ILO official, was elected Secretary General (both of whom are new people). Representatives of the Bureau of the Section had the opportunity to meet with them this summer and discuss their concerns with them.
Additional information can be found on the respective websites of AAFI-AFICS Geneva and FAFICS. To access these, go to the Section’s web site
(Http://; see pages under “Activities, Relations with AAFI-AFICS and FAFICS” where links allow you to enter these two sites.