ILO Centenary: Save the dates! 28 May and 11 July 2019
Category : Archives
28 May 2019: Cocktail to celebrate the ILO Centenary
The Section of Former ILO Officials is organizing a programme of activities commencing at 15.00 in R3 Room II followed by a cocktail at 17.00 in Les Gobelins in celebration of the ILO Centenary on Tuesday 28 May 2019. The Director General, Guy Ryder, will address retirees during the afternoon.
11 July 2019: Centenary Lunch with the Director General
The Director General will be inviting retirees to a lunch to be held on 11 July 2019.
Full information and invitations to these events will be sent later but reserve the dates now in your agendas!
Other events
You may also be interested to know that a visit to the old ILO building, now occupied by the World Trade Organization, is being organized by the ILO for participants of the International Conference noted below which we believe is open to retirees to attend. We understand the visit is planned for 16 April. Anyone wishing to register for this Conference should do so directly with the ILO.
15-17 April: International Conference ILO100: Law for Social Justice, ILO Headquarters, Geneva
The Section of Former Officials is also looking into the possibility of organizing a separate visit to the old ILO buildings in the autumn and further information will be provided if and when available.