Retirement preparation October 2016

These documents are made available to all retirees with the agreement of the ILO Staff Welfare Office. We would like to thank Ms Daniela Menes, Staff Welfare Officer, who each year organizes the pre-retirement seminar, as well as all the speakers.

01. Introduction
02. SHIF
04. CIGNA Life insurance
05. ILO Former Official Section
06. ILO admin procedures
07. Financial preparation
08. Financial Associations (AMFIE, Mutuelle, UNFCU)
09. AAFI-AFICS / Cité Seniors
10. Pensions and VTBF
12. ONG Committee on Ageing
13. Psycho-social. Transition with great potential
14. France : Residence and naturalisation
15. Switzerland : Social Insurances (AVS)
16. Switzerland : Residence (OCPM)
17. Switzerland : Taxation
18. Switzerland : Naturalisation
19. Switzerland : Succession
20. France : Succession
21. France : Taxation
22. France : Social Insurances
23. Vaud information
24. ILO Staff Welfare Office
25. Seminar Evaluation
26. Retirement checklist

01. Introduction

02. SHIF


04. CIGNA Life insurance

05. ILO Former Official Section

06. ILO admin procedures

07. Financial preparation

08. Financial Associations (AMFIE, Mutuelle, UNFCU)



09. AAFI-AFICS / Cité Seniors

10. Pensions and VTBF


12. ONG Committee on Ageing

13. Psycho-social. Transition with great potential

14. France : Residence and naturalisation

15. Switzerland : Social Insurances (AVS)

16. Switzerland : Residence (OCPM)

17. Switzerland : Taxation

18. Switzerland : Naturalisation

19. Switzerland : Succession

20. France : Succession

21. France : Taxation

22. France : Social Insurance

23. Vaud information

24. ILO Staff Welfare Office

25. Seminar evaluation

26. Retirement checklist